Dr. Ephraim Fuchs
Dr. Fuchs is a Professor of Oncology and Immunology at Johns Hopkins University and a world renowned bone marrow transplant physician and researcher. Among his many innovations, he conceived and performed the first cyclophosphamide procedure in the field of Bone Marrow transplant, which has become the standard of care in unrelated bone marrow transplant. This same procedure has formed the foundation for all successful kidney transplant tolerance protocols for unrelated donor-recipient pairs.
Dr. Fuchs’s major clinical expertise is in bone marrow transplantation for hematologic malignancies and non-malignant hematologic disorders, and treatment of patients with lymphoma. His early career was devoted to fundamental immunology including T-cell activation and tolerance, and transplantation and tumor immunology. He is the co-developer of the danger model of immunity, which has profound implications for the understanding of the processes of transplantation tolerance versus graft rejection in humans.